#00:00:00-0# - #00:00:09-0#: Hello and welcome to this video. On behalf of the Student Advisory Service of the Faculty of Humanities, I would like to welcome you to the Georg August University of Göttingen. #00:00:09-0# - #00:00:14-0#: You have already successfully completed the first semester and are now planning the next semester? #00:00:14-0# - #00:00:19-0#: You want to know more about the professionalisation area and its individual profiles? #00:00:19-0# - #00:00:36-0#: Then this video is just right for you. In the next few minutes, I will show you how second and higher semesters can proceed when creating a timetable for the two-subject Bachelor's degree. In preparation for the timetable creation, I will give you a brief insight into the professionalisation area. #00:00:36-0# - #00:00:47-0#: Afterwards, we will go through the first and most important steps for creating a timetable together. At the end of the video, you will be given specific addresses where you can get help and guidance in creating your timetable. #00:00:47-0# - #00:00:55-0#: If you are only interested in individual aspects, you can simply jump to the respective chapters of this video. Let's get started. #00:00:56-0# - #00:01:15-0#: At the beginning, you should consider which study profile corresponds to your ideas. This does not have to be finally decided at the beginning of your studies. However, you should already start thinking about it. To do this, you need to know that there are four different profiles in the two-subject Bachelor's programme at the Georg August University of Göttingen. #00:01:15-0# - #00:01:18-0#: These are shown here in the graphic. #00:01:19-0# - #00:01:26-0#: What is the same for all profiles? In order to successfully complete your studies, you must earn a total of 180 credits. #00:01:26-0# - #00:01:59-0#: These are roughly divided into three areas. The subject studies count 66 credits per subject, referred to as Subject A and Subject B in the following. The respective examination and study regulations regulate how these 66 credits are made up. The Bachelor thesis accounts for 12 credits. The remaining 36 credits must be taken in the so-called professionalisation area. I would like to go into more detail on this in the following, because the four different profiles are determined by the structure of the professionalisation area. #00:01:59-0# - #00:02:19-0#: The professionalisation area is divided into the optional area and the key competences. In the optional area, students can choose between four different profiles: the subject-specific profile, the occupational field-related profile, the Studium Generale or the teaching profession-related profile. #00:02:19-0# - #00:02:37-0#: The so-called optional area consists of 18 credits, in the teaching profession even of 26 credits, the key competence area also consists of 18 credits and in the teaching profession profile of ten credits. In the following, I will briefly discuss the individual profiles. #00:02:37-0# - #00:02:54-0#: With the subject-specific profile, you have the opportunity to deepen one of your two subjects and to take a further 18 credits from subject A or subject B. In this way, the subject-specific profile offers them the opportunity to focus on one of their subject areas. #00:02:54-0# - #00:03:05-0#: This profile can be used to pursue a more academically oriented career. Furthermore, like the three following profiles, it can be the foundation stone for further Master's studies. #00:03:05-0# - #00:03:25-0#: As the name suggests, the professional profile is intended to prepare students for a career in a non-scientific field. It is not offered by all subjects, but by many. Here, you can choose modules from your subjects A or B or from a third subject C. This is all to the extent of 18 credits. #00:03:25-0# - #00:03:43-0#: In the subject German Studies, German Philology, for example, you could choose the module Package Theatre Practice in the professional field-related profile. The associated courses can also be taken by students who are not enrolled in German Studies. The examination and study regulations of the respective subjects regulate access to and enrolment in these modules. #00:03:43-0# - #00:03:49-0#: So please check the module description carefully if you are not studying the subject in the core curriculum. #00:03:49-0# - #00:04:13-0#: In the Studium Generale, there are no specifications as to how you must take the modules. The division into optional area and key competences is no longer applicable. You can choose the 36 credits from the permissible range of faculty and university-wide key competences. This gives you the greatest freedom in designing your professionalisation area and in forming your own individual study profile. #00:04:13-0# - #00:04:25-0#: However, this freedom does not mean freedom of choice, but includes the need to plan this area well from the beginning and to develop a common thread for your studies and, beyond that, for your career prospects. #00:04:25-0# - #00:04:31-0#: If necessary, seek guidance and help from your academic advisor or the Office of the Dean of Studies. #00:04:31-0# - #00:04:47-0#: All profiles mentioned so far are supplemented with key competence modules in the professionalisation area. In the teacher training profile, the voluntary key competence area comprises only ten credits. In the other two profiles, you must select a total of 18 credits from the key competence offer. #00:04:47-0# - #00:04:55-0#: Let us now turn to the teaching profile. In contrast to the others, this must be explicitly stated when enrolling. #00:04:55-0# - #00:05:00-0#: Please also note that only certain combinations of subjects are permitted. #00:05:00-0# - #00:05:20-0#: The optional area here comprises 26 credits. This is made up of the subject didactic basics in both subjects, three credits of non-school-related and three credits of school-related teaching skills per subject and the educational sciences, including a school placement and an orientation placement with a total of 20 credits. #00:05:20-0# - #00:05:26-0#: After I have briefly outlined the professionalisation area for you, we now come to the conception of your timetable. #00:05:26-0# - #00:05:39-0#: In order to complete the Bachelor's programme within six semesters, a timetable must be compiled for each semester, which includes approximately 30 credits in all areas, i.e. with both subjects and the professionalisation area. #00:05:39-0# - #00:05:50-0#: Using the example of the subject combination German Studies, German Philology and English: Language, Literatures and Cultures, I will now show you the most important steps so that you can create your timetable from the second semester onwards. #00:05:51-0# - #00:06:03-0#: You need two tools for this. You need the current printout of your achievements in the first or previous semester from FlexNow and the most recent module list from one of your two subjects. #00:06:03-0# - #00:06:23-0#: To get the FlexNow printout, log in to eCampus with your student login data. Then select the FlexNow section. Please select only the link Performance records to get to the page Generate verifiable data sheet. Here you can download your transcript of records as a pdf file via the Generate button. #00:06:23-0# - #00:06:43-0#: The first step is done. Secondly, you need the module directory from the first of your two subjects. With its help, you can compare which modules you have already completed in your subject and which you still need to complete. Of course, you then proceed in the same way with the second subject and, if applicable, with the professionalisation area. #00:06:43-0# - #00:07:01-0#: Where can you find the module directory? To do so, open the website of the University of Göttingen. Under the tab Study you will find the subjects from A to Z. Please click through to your subject of study. For the current example, I choose the subject German Studies, German Philology, Bachelor. #00:07:01-0# - #00:07:12-0#: The subject description appears. In the tab Study Structure you will find the current and older versions of the Examination and Study Regulations and the Module Directories under Regulations and Module Directories. #00:07:13-0# - #00:07:16-0#: Select the most recent module directory under the second item. #00:07:17-0# - #00:07:25-0#: It opens as a pdf and can be downloaded. Now all important information is available to start with the actual timetable creation. #00:07:25-0# - #00:07:42-0#: First, however, I would like to introduce you to the exemplary study plan that you can find for each subject. It offers you a great orientation aid from semester to semester, and you can find it under the previously mentioned link under firstly Examination and study regulations: subject-specific provision. #00:07:42-0# - #00:07:49-0#: Please select the examination and study regulations according to the information on your transcript of records. #00:07:49-0# - #00:08:17-0#: In the exemplary study plan, you can see the sequence in which the modules can be taken. This table has deliberately been called an exemplary study plan, as it is only a good example of how you can plan your studies within six semesters. If, for example, you plan to take one or more semesters off due to a planned semester abroad or an internship, or due to other life circumstances, your study plan can of course look completely different. #00:08:17-0# - #00:08:27-0#: In any case, it is worthwhile to follow your own individual study plan. But after this short excursion, let's get back to the timetable design. #00:08:27-0# - #00:08:39-0#: If you compare your FlexNow printout with the module directory, you can see which modules you have already completed and which modules you are still missing. #00:08:39-0# - #00:08:46-0#: Click on the module you would like to take this semester. This will take you to the module description. #00:08:46-0# - #00:09:18-0#: Here you will find an overview with all the important information about this module: the module name, the associated credits and the workload, the courses, the examination requirements, the admission requirements, the frequency of offerings and the duration of the module. Especially important, this module consists of a basic lecture and three basic seminars. With this information, you can now search for the courses in the course catalogue at EXA. #00:09:18-0# - #00:09:27-0#: HisinOne EXA maps all the events for the respective module that are offered in the semester. They follow exactly the same steps for their second subject. #00:09:27-0# - #00:09:47-0#: Please note that if you copy the event number, you can use it to register for your courses in StudIP, our education platform at Georg August University, at least from the time when the courses are activated. This can vary from subject to subject. If you are in doubt, please contact your departmental student advisory service. #00:09:47-0# - #00:09:51-0#: There they can tell you when the courses will be released. #00:09:51-0# - #00:09:57-0#: You can find more information on course registration in the video tutorial on StudIP on our YouTube channel. #00:09:57-0# - #00:10:08-0#: When planning your lessons, please do not forget to take something in the area of professionalisation. I have already introduced the different areas in the first third of this video. #00:10:08-0# - #00:10:19-0#: Modules for the professionalisation area can be found in the examination and study regulations of the subjects as well as in the faculty or university-wide module handbooks, and at EXA. #00:10:19-0# - #00:10:24-0#: You can find this and much more information on the professionalisation area at the following link www.uni-goettingen.de/phil-schlueko. #00:10:24-0# - #00:10:37-0#: Here you will find information on the courses in the area of professionalisation or in the key competences that you can take. #00:10:38-0# - #00:10:48-0#: For further help and detailed instructions on choosing your modules, the associated courses and how to use EXA, please see the video Tutorial for First Semester Students. #00:10:48-0# - #00:10:53-0#: Now we have reached the end of the video. Despite the video, do you still have questions? #00:10:53-0# - #00:10:59-0#: Get in touch with us! The Office of the Dean of Studies and the Student and Examination Advisors are happy to help. #00:10:59-0# - #00:11:02-0#: Have fun and success with your studies!